Circuit Timer App Design
During lockdown, as we could no longer go to Body Pump, or the gym at all, we ended up doing a lot of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Well, we say, a lot, but you know 😉 Also, the Intensity bit may be over stretching slightly. Anyways, we did some training and it got us to thinking about a truly functional circuit training timer app. We found some, but all were too fussy and not clear enough for when the sweat was running into your eyes 😅 to still be able to set and interact with the app. So we had a little play. And ended up designing an app that was truly functional. We haven’t started to build this, but who knows if 2021 turns out like 2020, we may get enough time on our hands.

Duke Studios,
3 Sheaf St.
LS10 1HD